Get Involved
Your contribution is crucial to our success! There are many ways for you to help.
Every dollar donated is directly used to help us express our gratitude and appreciation for the service and sacrifice of our local Military and Law Enforcement personnel. We strive to honor and recognize these heroes through several of our projects including: The Pet Project, the Gratitude Directory, Veteran Birthday Gifts, Friend of Freedom Awards, Gratitude 4 Grads, and more! If you desire, please visit our donations page to pledge your support.
Sponsorship and Partnership
Through community projects the potential for impact to the lives of our local heroes is great. Only with your support can we continue to turn our vision into a reality. Support ranges from creating awareness about Gratitude Charlottesville, to financial assistance, sponsorship, partnership volunteering, organizing, and supporting events. If you are looking to honor the sacrifice of our Military and Law Enforcement, we would like to utilize your strengths by having you join our mission. Contact at or (434) 962-2752 to learn more.
We have a wide variety of volunteer opportunities through our Gratitude Charlottesville’s Ambassador (GCA) program! Ambassadors help execute our mission through a range of Gratitude Projects. Do you like supporting, meeting, and connecting with our local heroes? Do you have an idea for a future Gratitude Project or want to get involved in a current project? Let’s talk!
Directory Recruitment
Do you know a Charlottesville-area businesses that offer discounts or special offers to our Military and Police? We are always trying to grow our network of support-minded local businesses. Currently, directory discounts are offered in more than 20 industry categories including: dining, health, fitness, shopping, personal care, automotive, entertainment, and more. Our goal is to create a business community of “Gratitude” to recognize the Service of our local Military and Police so encourage your favorite local business to list!
Have a question? Interested in sponsoring, donating, or volunteering? Have an idea for a future Gratitude Project?
Contact us!